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Recruiter & Candidate



Human resources and people networking concept
Hey guys, I hope every one of you are safe.
Why do Recruiters call a candidate? 
A Recruiter is a person who helps a candidate to find the right job, with a suitable position of the skills you work in.
There are lots of candidates out there who seek for a suitable job, position, with a good package or to get a job which satisfies them even if they’re not paid as expected.
This is where a Recruiter tries to connect with the candidates if a candidate would like to switch to a different company with a better package & profile in a company. To give you a better opportunity to develop your skills & make your career grow well in a firm.
Female employee working in the office using phone and computer
On what basis a Recruiter calls a candidate?
A Recruiter usually gets a requirement from the Business team to fill the positions in the company. According to the requirement he/she calls to check if the candidate is looking out for a job.
Why candidates seek for a job? 
Most of the candidates take up an interview to check on their own level, some look for a better salary package, and there are some who seeks to work on new technology from the company to gain their knowledge.
Why do candidates select & reject their offer letters? 
It all depends on a recruiter too. How he/she handles the candidate & how they maintain their relationship with each other. Most of the candidates join a company for the word of the Recruiter, the trust they give a candidate to join the firm.
Some candidates join a firm for the brand name of the company for eg. TCS, CTS, Wipro, IBM, HP, HCL, Capgemini and more. For them, the salary won’t be a great deal for them.
Some take up the offer for the salary they’re paid. Say for eg. If a company offers 5 Lacs in a company and another company offers 6.5 Lacs – 7 Lacs, he/she will definitely go for a higher salary package. Because of their commitments and more.
Some candidates go for their career growth, to learn more about the new technology and to gain more knowledge & experience in the skills they work on. Also, this will give them the satisfaction that they have done their job without any problems.
Everything depends & changes according to the needs of the candidates.

Recruiters & Candidates

Recruit agent analyzing candidates
A Recruiter is something who needs to have a lot of patience to handle the candidates who they talk to or when they handle a candidate face to face for the interview. Similarly, the candidates should also have a lot of patience when they sit in an interview. I personally prefer not to make the candidates wait too long when they come for an interview or if they had to wait they are to give something to do to keep them active because waiting for too long could even make a person tired as well as they’ll start talking about the company saying they’re making them wait too long and lot more. I raised this up because I myself have faced this issue.
Let me tell you all a small incident which happened to me.
I was seeking for a job and finally, I got a call from a company and the interview was around 5.00 pm and still, I went for it though it was too far from where I stay. We have to go through a lot of procedures to get into an IT park to reach a company like all the candidates. So once I reached this company they asked me to register, took my resume and trust me I waited till 8.00 pm for a person to come and see me and take the interview which was totally for a different profile. They called me for a Recruiters opening and when I went there I was surprised they made me wait for so long and at the end of the interview when they tell us we don’t have any opening for the position they called but tells us there are different other skills. I had no other go but kept calm and told them please do let me know if there is an opportunity for Recruitment.
But later when the person who called me for the interview called me to check on me and all I said was please don’t waste your time and a candidate’s time. All that Recruiter had told me Sorry. Guess what it took me 10.30 pm for me to leave that company.
Wooden figures of people are lying on a white background. social network. business.
Why I said this incident was…
When a recruiter calls a candidate for the interview, the first thing they have to see is going through the profile twice if they have the required skills, if the profile amatches the requirement or suitable for the job, if there are openings for the profile you call for. That’ll save everyone’s precious time. If there was some other candidate for sure he/she would have created a scene there for making them wait and say your profile doesn’t match our requirements. This could also ruin the image of the company.
A recruiter a person who brands a company tells a candidate about the company’s wellness and makes the candidates come for the interview. You are like a Brand Ambassador for the company for the candidates to feel good about the company too. A recruiter is always the first contact for a candidate who talks about the company.
Then when the candidates complete their interview make sure to give them the feedback as soon as possible. Why because is they don’t have wait for long if they’re rejected. As a recruiter, you might think if the candidate might feel bad. But instead, you can tell them to take it in a positive way rather than directly saying as they got rejected in their interview. Try to motivate them so they can prepare well when they go to another company for an interview.
Also, I would like to tell the candidates that if you are taking up the opportunity with the company please do keep in touch with your recruiter once a week until you join the firm. If you are accepting another offer from another company please do inform the recruiter immediately that you’ll not be able to join them as you have got another offer with a better package, so the recruiter doesn’t have to wait till the end instead they can look for another person to fill the position.
This is something which I thought I should share it with everyone so there won’t be mistakes happening further. I believe this would have given you all a fair idea about the things to do and not.
Well have a great week ahead & as always I say stay safe & happy with your family.
Recruiter Rebecca


Government Schemes for Women in India




Medium shot woman with book smiling at camera

All over the world, in the recent span of years, attention has been given to women empowerment and through campaigns like #heforshe, #metoo, etc… discrimination against women has gained attention and helped raise the voice of the vulnerable. India too in the spirit of empowering the female citizens in the country and recognizing their contribution in the country’s economy, has launched several schemes available for all women in India. We’ll be looking into 5 such schemes today.

Mahila E-haat:

Businesswomens | Free Vectors, Stock Photos & PSD

Mahila E-haat is a direct online market place dedicated to meeting the aspirations of women entrepreneurs. It is a part of ‘Digital India’ and ‘Stand Up India’ initiative where businesswomen from all disciplines can broadcast their product in the online site and thus providing a marketing platform. It was launched by the Ministry of Women and Child Development to support women entrepreneurs, SHGs (Self Help Groups), NGOs (Non-Governmental Organization). Women can register themselves at to showcase their products or services rendered by them by leveraging technology to cover a broader market.

One-Stop Centre Scheme:

Stop violence against women, international women's day

One-Stop Centre Scheme is a sub-scheme of National Mission for Empowerment of Women and is popularly known as ‘Sakhi’, implemented on 1st April 2015 by the ‘Nirbhaya’ Fund. Complete assistance including shelter, police desk, legal, medical and counselling services are provided all under one roof with a 24-hour helpline to victims of violence at the One-Stop Centres located pan India. The tollfree helpline number is 181.

Any women facing any kind of violence including sexual, physical, psychological, emotional and economic abuse can contact the centre for support and redressal, whereas special services will be rendered to those aggrieved women facing violence due to attempted acid attacks, witch-hunting, domestic violence, trafficking, sexual assault or sexual harassment who have reached out or have been referred to the OSC.


Crochet, top view on hands with crochet hook and yarn balls, top view on rustic wood

The Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women (STEP) aims to provide skills that give employability to women and to provide competencies and skill that enable women to become self-employed/entrepreneurs. The scheme is intended to benefit women in the country who are in the age group of 16 and above. A particular project will be for a duration of up to 5 years depending upon nature, kind of activities and number of beneficiaries to be undertaken.

Sectors include Agriculture, Horticulture, Food Processing, Handlooms, Tailoring, Stitching, Embroidery, Zari etc, Handicrafts, Computer & IT enable services along with soft skills and skills for the workplace such as spoken English, Gems & Jewellery, Travel & Tourism, Hospitality, etc…

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao:

Little smiling girl playing with her mother on white

This is an awareness campaign aimed at eradicating female infanticide, foeticide and to raise awareness on welfare services intended for young girls. Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao – The scheme was launched with initial funding of Rs 100 crores. It mainly targets the clusters in Uttarakhand, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Delhi and Haryana. The child gender ratio of age group 0-6 years, in India, stood at 931 girls for 1000 boys and it dropped to 918 girls for 1000 boys in 2011. This gap was first noted in 1991 and started worsening since the census data of 2001.

To bridge the growing gap between the birth of girl and boy infants, the government of India has taken up an initiative to promote Beti Bachao Beti Padhao and many programmes have been organized to promote ‘Save Girl Child’ and to ‘Educate Girl Child‘, since January 2015. The campaign has also received support from the Indian Medical Association.

 Nai Roshni:

Business executives discussing with their colleagues on whiteboa

Nai Roshni is a scheme for developing the leadership skills of minority women. The program aims at instilling confidence among women belonging to the minority sections of the society. This scheme will help them to interact better with Government departments and systems, financial institutions, banks across all levels. Nai Roshni also aims to embolden women and help them to move out from the confines of their homes and communities. One of the main thrust areas is to train women of the minority sections and make them fit enough to take leadership roles and also assert their rights.

This will help them to get the due share of various government schemes that could lead to the improvement of living conditions. It also aims at improving the economic empowerment of these women. The target group includes all those minorities who have been notified under Section 2 (c) of The National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992. (Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, Christian, Parsis and Jain).

To further strengthen the overall canvas of plurality of the society, the act also permits women from non-minority communities to be a part of the above scheme. However, the number of non-minorities should not exceed 25% of the project proposal. The mix should consist of SCs/STs/OBCs and also women with disabilities. Efforts also will be on to bring EWRs (Elected Women Representatives) from any community to be included in this scheme as trainees.

Aishwarya K

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Front view of collection of men and women with different jobs

“Why many parents decide well before the child is grown what will they become?”

It was one of the afternoons; around 2.00 pm; I was at the auditorium of one of the well-known schools in the city. I was called to address the students of 10th,11th, and 12th-grade students. I could see boys and girls sitting on the ground; few among them had not interested expression and while few with excitements on their faces.

Mother scolding her daughter in living room Free PhotoI started with a small story about a bird. It was caged but it used to sing beautifully. It used to make a melodious voice and the owner lady just loved hearing to it. The lady had a daughter; very pretty and she had a very sweet voice. She liked to make different voices like mimicking of other human voices and even cartoon characters. But she never liked to sing songs or learn music. Her mother seeing the birds singing so sweetly; now she wanted her daughter to become a singer, she started sending her forcefully to music classes and compelling her to make singing as her passion. Poor child, she couldn’t understand why her mother was doing this to her. The mother started planning for her daughter to be a music singer. The daughter could not understand how to tell her mother to stop forcing her; finally one day she flew bird in the open sky. She thought the cause of her force full singing will go away with a bird and her mother will change her mind.

After telling the story I asked students present there; who among you all can relate to this story. Many raised their hands. They wanted to tell about themselves, but I chose to continue for a time. I told them at this age they are only expected to focus on their career. Questions from whoever they meet will only be related to their future. They will be given suggestions from their parents and others. But they should find out what they want to be. There will be pressure from parents to take up a specific course for their career but it’s they who have to find out what is best for them. These days career counselling has become a huge hit for students to approach and get themself counselled along with their parents.

School / university students hands taking exams, writing examination room with holding pencil Premium PhotoThen I started giving them highlights on career counselling. I said; it’s the centre where they have to go with their parents. There they are asked to take up the aptitude test. Aptitude tests are known as interest tests too. These tests are used to find out what the child knows better and what kind of career they can choose. Different centres have a different number of tests, but the results will show them what they can use based on their previous knowledge and skills. These tests examine the areas of language, verbal aptitude, spatial aptitude; numerical and mathematical aptitude, etc. The parents are also counselled and they are informed of what kind of career is best for you. They can get their various doubts cleared and answered there. It is no more like earlier days where only doctors and engineers were having recognitions. Today the world is changing and so the other wide numbers of opportunities have come up. Now marks and scores do not decide the future or end the future of any student. If a student is weak in their studies; still he has a bright future.

Every student has a hidden talent. Based on their talent and interest the student can take up their career and farewell in their life. The main thing required is interest and dedication. Nothing is achieved in a night’s time. You have to dedicate yourself to whatever field you are going for. Hard work and efforts will surely lead to success.

I was almost nearing to the end of the session; I got a few students to query asking how to make their parents understand and go for career counselling. For this, I requested the school and management to arrange for one awareness workshop for parents where they can learn about what career counselling is and how beneficial it can be for them as well as to their children. The session was over and I could see many students had a big smile on their faces.

Sejal Davey

Special educator, child and career counsellor and parenting coach.
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Business & Finance

சுய தொழில் துவங்க விரும்பும் பெண்களுக்கு




Women working in her own  flower shop


நிறைய பெண்கள் தொழில் நுட்ப படிப்பு முடித்து விட்டு, வேலைக்கு போய் சிரம பட முடியாமல் வீட்டிலே தங்கி விடுகிறார்கள். அவர்களுடைய திறமைகள் அவர்களுக்குள்ளேயே முடங்கி விடுகிறது. திறமை இருந்தும், பெற்றவர்கள், சகோதரர்கள் மற்றும் கணவனை சார்ந்து வாழவேண்டிய சூழ்நிலையில் இருக்கிறார்கள். அவர்கள் தன் சொந்த தொழில் செய்து அவர்கள் சுயசாற்புடன் வாழ அரசு ஒரு சில திட்டங்கள் வகுத்து வருகிறது. அதில் ஒன்று தான் .

NEEDS Scheme – New Entrepreneur cum Enterprise Development Scheme

இதன் மூலம் பெரிய லட்சியங்களை அடையலாம். உங்கள் கனவுகளை மெய்ப்பித்து  கொள்ளலாம்.

சிறிய அறிமுகம்

படித்து விட்டு வீட்டில் இருக்கும் பெண்களுக்கு தங்களின் திறமையை வெளிக்கொணரும் ஒரு வாய்ப்பு. இதில் பெண்களுக்கு மட்டும் முன்னுரிமை உண்டு, எந்த வகுப்பை சேர்ந்தவராக இருந்தாலும்.

புதிய தொழில் முனைவோர் மற்றும் தொழில் நிறுவன மேம்பாட்டு திட்டத்தின் கீழ் (NEEDS) மானியத்துடன் கூடிய கடனுதவி பெற முதல் தலைமுறை தொழில் முனைவோராக இருத்தல் வேண்டும்,  அப்படி என்றால் அவர்கள் பெற்றவர்கள் அல்லது கணவர் சுய தொழிலில் ஈடுபட்டு இருக்க கூடாது.

கல்வி தகுதி – பட்டப்படிப்பு / பட்டயப்படிப்பு / ஐடிஐ / அங்கீகரிக்கப்பட்ட நிறுவனங்கள் மூலம் தொழில்சார் பயிற்சி பெற்று இருத்தல் வேண்டும். பெண்களுக்கு வயது உச்ச வரம்பு 45 years.


  • முதலில் தங்கள் எந்த தொழில் தொடங்க வேண்டும் என்று முடிவெடுத்து கொள்ள வேண்டும். உதாரணமாக  பாக்குமட்டை தட்டு தயாரிப்பு, பிரின்டிங், தையல், வீவிங், பேக்கரி, ஸ்பா,ஜிம் , கம்ப்யூட்டர் சென்டர், நான் ஒவென் போன்ற எந்த தொழிலாக வேண்டுமானாலும் இருக்கலாம்.
  • அடுத்து இயந்திரங்கள் எதுவெல்லாம் தேவை என்பதை பற்றி தெரிந்து இருக்க வேண்டும்.
  • அடுத்து நீங்கள் துவங்க இருக்கும் தொழிலுடைய ப்ராஜெக்ட் ரிப்போர்ட் தயார் செய்ய வேண்டும்.
  • அடுத்து உங்களுக்கு தொழில் செய்ய கடன் உதவி கேட்டு உங்கள் வங்கிஇடம்  அணுகவும்.
  • வங்கி எந்த வித அடமானம் இன்றி CREDIT GUARANTEE FUND TRUST FOR MICRO AND SMALL ENTERPRISES மூலம் கடன் வழங்குகிறார்கள்.
  • இதில் நீங்கள் 1 லட்சம் முதல் 5 கோடி வரை கடனுதவி பெறலாம். இதில் 1 லட்சம் முதல் 1 கோடி வரை 30%  மானியம் பெறலாம். அதற்கு மேற்பட்ட கடனுக்கு 30 லட்சம் மட்டுமே மானியம் கிடைக்கும்.
  • இந்த வகை மானியம் front end subsidy எனப்படும். இது உங்களுக்கு கடனுதவி வங்கியில் கிடைத்தவுடன், உங்களுக்கு மானியம் 3 தவணைகளில் முதலிலேயே கிடைத்து விடுவதால் உங்கள் கடன் சுமை ஆரம்பத்திலேயே குறைக்கப்படும். உங்கள் மானியத்தை உங்கள் கடன் தொகையில் கழித்து கொள்ளலாம்.
  • மேலும் வட்டி மானியம் 3 % மூன்று மாதத்துக்கு ஒருமுறை வங்கியில் கிடைக்க பெறும்.
  • நீங்கள் உங்கள் மாவட்ட தொழில் மையத்தையும் தொடர்பு  கொள்ளலாம்.
  • நீங்கள் உங்கள் விண்ணப்பம் ஆன்லைனில் சமர்ப்பிக்க வேண்டும்.

மேலும் விவரங்கள் கீழே கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ள லிங்க் பார்கவும்.

Dont be miss fortune always be Mrs.fortunate


– Saikrishna


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Salary based on experience




Smiling asian businessman shaking partners hand Free Photo

Hey guys, I hope every one of you is doing great & safe. So many of us tend to get confused or make mistakes in asking or negotiating with our salary. So let’s see how we tackle it. 

Freshers or Juniors

Most of the freshers get through with the campus hiring with a company, so when they hire through campus drive the student may not be able to negotiate or ask for anything or even talk about the salary. So here mostly accept what the company offers them. But it’ll be a good package. But when a candidate who is a fresher goes in search of jobs to different companies, the HR asks them about their expectations. Here you can say “since I’m a fresher & new to the job I would prefer to learn more and gain experience & knowledge to excel in my career and not just for the money.” Money is also a need but now I need to have an ample experience in the field I would like to grow well & gain my knowledge. 

Also, for a fresher in each and every field the salary package differs from IT to Non-IT. It depends on the skills you are trained and working on.

 Experienced candidates

Candidates usually move from one company to the other expecting a raise in their salary. So usually in the first step, HR discusses your salary. Most candidates ask for a 30% hike, some will be fine with 20-25%, some candidates expect beyond the limits without knowing the fact that every company has their norms of offering the package. 

It’s always better when you don’t talk about your salary before your interview is done. Can say let us talk about it at the end of the interview process or I’m not here for money but for my career growth and to gain knowledge on new technology. 

 Most of the candidates also makes mistake here, for example, they’ll be holding an offer in hand and still ask for 2-3 lacs above which might cross the grid of the company, which is not right. Every company has their own grids as to how much salary is to be given to each candidate. This is where most of them get rejected due to their attitude. Even if the skills and techniques are good but their expectations are high they don’t get what they need always. There are times where a candidate needs to understand the importance of the Job & the salary. Sometimes they even have to understand from the HR’s standpoint on negotiating their salary.

 Senior Candidates

Usually, a senior candidate works with a company for a longer period, for more than 12 to 20 years. Their range of salary will always be higher than the other experienced candidates like mid-level & junior level. These candidates will not have many issues but they prefer to select the best company rather than the salary. But still, they are highly paid too. But it also depends on the skill and technology they’re working on.

 Here is a small video on how and how not to negotiate with the salary. I hope this will be useful too.

 The salary is always based on your current CTC. Every company has its own standards in offering a candidate. If the candidate is really talented and excellent sometimes they could be paid high since the company did not want to miss the candidate. But when they’re able to identify a candidate better than the current one they won’t think twice but immediately will offer the other because he might not ask more money rather he/she would want to gain more experience, knowledge & growth in their career. 

A company hires you and invests a project on you and trusts you to complete it without any mistakes and expects to bring them the profit. This is where the employees also get some benefits like bonus & hike in their salary or a Certificate. 

Leadership graphics icons on wooden blocks. 

Especially during this pandemic situation most of the employees must have lost their jobs and some will be looking out for a job. This is a time where candidates cannot expect a higher CTC too. Because most of the employees who are working well also get less paid. So it depends on the situation and how we negotiate or just say currently I’m looking for a better or a good opportunity to show what I can do with the skills I have been working on & also to develop my skills in various technologies in my field. Also can add on saying I’ll be a good asset to the company & be honest for the growth of my career as well as the company & the team I’ll be working on. 

It’s all how you speak to the HR & the Hiring manager.  So I hope this will be useful & please do share with us your feedback if there is something you would like to say. 

 Have a great week ahead, please do maintain social distance & wash your hands, be healthy, safe & happy. 

Recruiter Rebecca.
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Grooming for Interview




Hi all, hope all are safe and well.  So last week I wrote about how to present yourself in an interview. Also few of them have asked me to just let know how to dress up for interviews for both girls/ladies & boys/men. So this week I’m going to say more about how to dress up & how to groom yourselves for the interview.
Morning cartoon illustration
What to wear to a Job interview?
This is to make you look more professional when you go for an interview.
  • Wearing Formal trousers with a shirt tucked in for an interview would be appropriate.
  • Can also try to wear a blazer on if necessary, like when you go for an interview at the Airport, also if you are way more experienced and attending for a Manager role or Team Lead, or any higher posting.
Please do look into the video shared. Which could be useful too.
  • Saree for a teaching profession, to a manufacturing sector, also to an IT sector. It all depends on your experience too. But nowadays very few ladies prefer to wear saree for interviews. It makes you look more elegant and beautiful.
  • Girls/Ladies if you’re wearing a Salwar, should wear a decent color, most light ones, and not too dark. Dupatta’s to be pinned on the shoulders or wear it on one side to look decent.
Wear nice formal shoes or sandals which are comfortable to walk, it’s better to avoid tall heels or maybe can wear small heels.
Do’s and Don’ts
  • If you have long-nailed, apply nail polish but not red or any dark colors, but some light colors like peach, light pink, or skin color. If not cut your nails n shape them nicely on both hands & legs.
  • Wear simple earrings or a pair of pearl studs and not dangles or too many jewels.
  • Do not wear Jeans, T-shirt or any party wears for the interview.
  • Apply lite make-up and not dark lip shades like Red or glossy. Preferably try to wear a Matt finish.
  • Do smell good so apply some roll-on to avoid sweat n do apply some mild perfume.
  • When sitting in an interview do not sit with crossed legs. (Follow the link below for the postures to sit in an interview)
I hope this will be useful for you ladies.
Close up of clothes hanging on rack
For Men pals
It’s going to be simpler for guys.
  • Wearing Formal trousers with a shirt tucked in for an interview would be appropriate.
  • Make sure it’s pressed/ironed when your going for an interview.
  • Wear proper formal shoes that are comfortable with clean socks so avoid the odor smell & unwanted irritations during the interview.
  • Wear only a Black or a Brown belt which matches your shoes.
I hope the below link will help you guys.
Do’s and Don’ts
  • Get a good haircut but not funky, also trim your beard & cut your nails.
  • Wear a mild perfume, not a strong one because you might not if the person taking the interview might have allergies.
  • Don’t wear Jeans & T-shirts/ casuals for the interview.
The below link helps you not to ruin yourself in the interview. First impressions are always the best.
The way you dress & groom yourselves makes your confidence level high & good too. Your appearance can reveal how you are and how you’ll be at the workplace too. 
Thank you all will come back with some interesting topics next week. Stay safe & practice yourselves for the interview. 
Take care and will be back soon yours
Recruiter Rebecca. 
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