நடந்து பாருங்க…
விடுவிடுவென்று நடக்கும் தந்தையை ஓடிப் போய் விரல் பிடித்து இணைந்து நடக்க முயலும் பிள்ளையைப் பார்த்து இருப்போம். நீண்ட கால்களில் எட்டி வைத்த அடிகளைக் குறுக்கி குழந்தையின் குட்டி குட்டி அடிகளுக்கு இணைவாக நடக்கும் தந்தையும் ரசித்து இருப்போம் வித்தியாசங்கள் மனதில் ஓடும்தானே! அப்பாவின் நீண்ட உறுதியான விரலை தனது கையினுள் கையகப்படுத்தி நடக்கும் தளிரின் நடையில் எவ்வளவு நம்பிக்கையும் பெருமிதமும்!
நடைச் சிறப்பு என்பது நீங்கள் நினைப்பது போல அத்தனைச் சாதாரணமானது அல்ல. ஓய்வாக எந்த விதக் கட்டளையுமின்றி உடல் தளர்த்திய நடை , மனம் தளர்த்தும் . இசைந்து நடக்கையில் சிக்கலைத் தீர்க்கும் புதிய வழிகள் பிறக்கும். இரசனை உணர்வை மேம்படுத்தும். தனித்த மனதின் விசும்பலை செவி மடுக்கும். தற்கொலையும் தடுக்கும்.
நீர்வழித் தடத்தில் வந்து தரையில் இறங்கிய ஆண்டனி வானில் பறக்கிறோமா என்று தன் கால்களை ஒரு முறை நோக்கி விட்டுத் தரையில் புன்னகையுடன் நின்றிருந்த கிளியோபாட்ராவைக் கண்டு பார்வை விலக்காது, நடக்கத் தொடங்கிய அவளுடன் உடன் நடக்கத் தயங்குகிறான். அவள் பின்னால் நடந்தால் முன்னழகைக் காணமுடியாதுப் போகும், அவளுக்கு முன் நடந்தால் திரும்பினாலும் பின்னழகைக் காண இயலாது. என்ன செய்வதென யோசித்து இணைந்து நடந்தால் பார்வையை ஓடவிட்டு முன் பின் அழகை ரசிக்க முடியும் என இணையாக நடக்கிறான். நடக்கும் அந்த நேரத்திலும் அவளைக் காணும் வாய்ப்பை இழக்க விரும்பவில்லை அவன். அவர்களுக்கு இரு குழந்தைகளும் பின், அரச வாழ்வின் நியதியாகவோ நியதியின்மையாகவோ அவள் தற்கொலை செய்து கொண்டதாகப் பரப்பப்பட்ட வதந்தியை உண்மையென்றெண்ணி தனது போர் ஆயுதத்தால் தன்னை மாய்த்துக் கொண்டான் என்றும் கூறுகிறது வரலாறு. பிறகு அவளும் கொடிய விடமுள்ள அரவத்தின் துணை கொண்டு தன் உயிரை நீக்கிக் கொண்டாள். இந்த அன்புதான் என்னவெல்லாம் செய்கிறது…!
மாறுபட்ட வேகம் ஒரு ஒருவருக்கும், அத்தகைய மாறுபாட்டை மட்டுப்படுத்தி அல்லது வேகப்படுத்தி ஒரே வேக அளவினதாக்கி இணைந்து நடக்கையில் கிடைக்கும் வசதியான இருப்பு மனதின் சுகந்தம் . (வேகுவேகுவென்று நடக்கும் நடைப்பயிற்சியை இத்துடன் ஒப்புமைச் செய்து குழம்பிக் கொள்ளாதீர்கள். இது தனி. ) உங்களுக்குத் தெரியாது. , எவரிடமும் பகிர இயலாமல் ஆழ்ந்த சோகத்தில் அமிழ்ந்து மனதின் அநாதைத் தன்மையை சுய பச்சாதபத்தின் மூலமாயும் உணர்ந்து வெளியில் தெரியா கண்ணீருடன் இருக்கையில் யதார்த்தமாய் அமைந்து விடும் ஒரு இணைந்த நடை மீண்டு வாவென உயிர் நீர் அளிக்கும்.
சண்டை சச்சரவு மனக்குமுறல் என்று இருக்கும் சக மனிதருடன் பின்மாலைப் பொழுதொன்றை நடந்து களியுங்கள். போகும்போது இருக்கும் இறுக்கம் திரும்பி வருகையில் தொலைந்து போயிருப்பதைக் காண முடியும். மனதிற்கென இருக்கும் விரிவும் மணமும் மெல்ல அணைக்க முயல்வது அத்தனைச் சுகம்.
ஒருவரின் மீது முரண் எண்ணங்களின் தொகுப்பை முதுகில் சுமந்து கொண்டு இணைந்து நடந்து விடாதீர்கள். பாதையை பறவையை ஒளியை சருகை மனிதரை வேடிக்கைப் பார்க்கும் மனநிலையில் நடக்கத் தொடங்குங்கள். பேசித்தான் ஆக வேண்டுமென்பதில்லை. பேசாமலேயே நடக்க வேண்டும் என்பதுமில்லை. முகைத் திறப்பு போன்று பேச்சு அதன் போக்கறிந்து இனிமையாக நடையோடு இணைந்து கொள்ளட்டும். ஆழ்ந்த மெளனம் இதழ்கள் பிரிக்கா மலர் போன்று மென்மையாக மனம் சேரட்டும்.
பகிர்தல் என்பது பேச்சும் மனமும் உடலும் மட்டுமல்ல அருகிருந்து கமழும் மெளனமும்தான். அத்தகைய மெளனத்தை நடை நவிலும். உணர்ந்து ருசியுங்கள்.
உங்களுக்குப் பிடித்தவருடன் மாலையின் செஞ்சூரியனின் ஒளியிலோ, காலையிலோ, இரவிலோ, ஏதேனும் வாகனத்திற்காகவோ , இடத்திற்கோ, கடைக்கோ எதற்கோ எதன் பொருட்டோ செல்லும் அவசரகதி இல்லாத அழகான நடை உங்களுக்குள் செளகரியத்தையும் உறவையும் உறுதியாக்குவதை உணர்வீர்கள். நேரமும் சூழலும் வாய்க்கும் போதெல்லாம் அல்லது வாய்ப்பேற்படுத்திக் கொண்டு நடந்து பாருங்கள்.
உடன் நடங்க ! உடன்பட்டு நடங்க!!
Connection between Alaripu (Bharatanatyam composition) and Surya Namaskar (Yoga)
So far, most of my articles are related to dance and yoga. I have written various facts about the connection between dance and yoga, now I would like to introduce a dance composition called Alaripu and also I would like to compare the benefits of Surya Namaskar. Being a classical dancer and yoga trainer I have been practising both Alaripu and Surya Namaskar and literally experienced the connections between them. Having said that, I strongly recommend each one of us should practise some physical activity to bring energy and positivity in their day-to-day life. Everyone aspires for a healthy and stress-free life but we are unable to set a routine for physical activity. So it’s better to have a continuous fitness related program to stay healthy and find inner peace.
What is Surya Namaskar?
A set 12 postures in yoga which activates all of our body parts and it gives energy, stamina, concentration, physical and mental health. The word itself says Surya (Sun) Namaskar (Salutation). In olden days, our ancestor worships the sun as a God.
Procedure for Surya Namaskar:
- Stand straight and close your hands together breathe in and out
- Raise both hands and bend back and breathe in
- Slowly bend down and touch the ground without bending the knees and breathe out
- Bend one knee and stretch the other leg and keep your hands on the floor(Pigeon pose) breathe in
- Place only the hands and toes on the ground and lift the body like a mountain (Mountain Pose)breathe out
- Lying down position. All the body parts should touch the ground and breathe in
- Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) – lift the upper body along with the support of the two hands and breathe out
- Again do mountain pose (breath in), pigeon pose (breathe out), touch the ground (breathe in), backbend (breath out) and Namaskar position (breathe in).
Here I have mentioned the cycle of Surya Namaskar and breathing patterns.
What is Alaripu?
A classical dancer can easily understand what Alaripu is because it is the first dance piece of Bharatanatyam repertoire (Margam), it includes three speeds of same jathi(Rhythm) pattern and it consists of a theermanam (ending part) in it. The word Alaripu means blooming. The steps and the speed will bloom slowly like a flower. The dance movement will start step by step from the eyes, neck, shoulder, hands, and legs and to the whole body. So here the whole body will get activated by the movements. Hence a dancer will get the energy flow to each and every cell of the body. It is a complete Nirtta(only steps without Abinaya (expression)) dance piece. Standing, Half Sitting (Aramandi) and Full Sitting (Muzhumandi) are the three positions used to dance in this piece. We can call it a complete exercise dance piece for a dancer. Alaripu helps to warm-up the body and slowly brings the whole benefits of physical fitness. It is very difficult to bring the perfect body line for Alaripu but continuous practice can change anything likewise this will bring out great effects in our body.
The relation between Surya Namaskar and Alaripu:
- Both Surya Namaskar and Alaripu activate all the parts in our body.
- Both bring extraordinary stamina into us
- Both create fine body line
- Both help to improve body balance, concentration, physical and mental health.
- Regulates all the elements
- Gives perfect shape to our body
Vidyalakshmi Vidyanath
How Chakra Meditation helps to have a stress free life?
What is Chakra?
The word Chakra means spinning wheel in Sanskrit. According to Yoga tradition, there are seven Chakras in the human body which is also called a magnetic field into us. Our entire body consists of bones, muscles, nerves and covered by skin. Chakra is like the junction point of our body where the life force energy connects through the Nadis. The six Chakras are presents into our body on a fine line and the seventh Chakra is present above the head which connects the universe. Chakras are spinning vortexes of energy in the subtle body that corresponds to various glands along the spine and inside the skull.
Each Chakra governs specific behaviours into us. When the energy becomes blocked in Chakra, then it brings out physical and mental issues that lead to stress, anxiety, indigestion, laziness. A proper Yoga practice under a well trained experienced trainer is most advisable to enhance our vital energy.
The Seven Chakras:
- Muladhara
- Svadhisthana
- Manipura
- Anahatha
- Visshudha
- Agna or Ajna
- Sahasrara
Muladhara is otherwise called as root Chakra (earth element) which present at the base of the spine. It governs the skeleton system and lower digestion system. It holds the latent potential (Kundalini Shakthi). Chakra refers to red colour. The aspects of this Chakra are security, physical awareness, self-protection, the focus of survival and inner feelings. When this Chakra is in balance we can feel very strong and confident by nature.
- Practising the Vrikshasana(Tree Pose) helps to connect your nadis with this Chakra point to activate. It improves body balance and concentration along with the benefits of Mooladhara.
This Chakra governs the reproductive system, water element, urinary system, sexual organs and fertility. If it is not under control we may feel emotionally unstable, negativity, guilty, depression. After regular Yoga practises, we can improve our creativity, positivity, strong family attachments. Daily 10 – 15 squats helps to regulate this Chakra. Orange colour refers to this Chakra
Note: The same benefits we can find in Bharatanatyam Aramandi and Muzhumandi poses.
This Chakra present on solar plexus and navel part so it is also called as navel Chakra. The colour of this Chakra is yellow. Fire element activates this Chakra and it governs the digestive system so it acts as the powerhouse of the body and produces self-esteem, determination, self-control. Navasana (Boat Pose) helps to tap this Chakra.
Anahata Chakra is referred to the colour of Green and it also called as Heart Chakra. This Chakra is associated with your hearts and feelings. It helps to improve forgiving attitude and it heals heartbreaks and past wounds. It refreshes your mind and comforts yourself. That’s why this Chakra related to the air element. Ustrasana(Camel Pose) regulates this Chakra.
Vishuddhi or Vishuddha:
Vishuddhi Chakra governs the voice and speech control. The colour of vishuddhi is blue and the element is ether (Akash). We can do chanting to improve the power of this Chakra. Sarvangasana helps to heal this Chakra.
Ajna or Agna:
This Chakra is also called third eye Chakra which is presented in between the eyebrows. Light element and indigo colour refers to this Chakra. It governs decision making and connected to pituitary glands. Nadi Sodhana Pranayama helps to activate this Chakra.
The crown Chakra which presents above the head and the colour is white or violet which deals with cosmic energy. It is a spiritual Chakra which helps to realise the truth of life and soul. It activates a clear vision of life and creates happiness.
The mediation from Mooladhara to Sahasrara Chakra will connect our mind and body to eternal.
Vidyalakshmi Vidyanath
Tips to lose weight
What are the best ways to lose Weight?
We always wanted to look good and feel good. When we go up and become an adult, we get more conscious of how we look. We try different types of dieting methods. Being overweight or obese can lead to a range of health problems. Although many different “FAD Diets” are available, a balanced lifestyle and nutritious diet is the key to healthful living and better weight control.
Whenever you plan to cut calorie count, do have an adequate protein intake, otherwise, you will lose muscles and end up with loose skin.
Diet holds 70% of your target dependence. Rest 30% is your workout. A simple way to create a meal plan is to make sure that each meal consists of 50% fruits and vegetables, 25% whole grains, 25% protein intake. Total fiber intake to be 25-30gm daily.
Eliminate the trans-fat (fast foods, fried foods, vegetable shortening, etc.) from your diet and minimize the intake of saturated fats (fatty beef, lamb, pork, butter, cheese, etc.) which has a strong link with the incidence of coronary heart disease.
Points to remember:
1) Crash dieting is the worst thing. These are the side effects of a crash diet.
.Weakened immune system
. Dehydration
. Dizziness
. Fatigue
. Irritability
. Headache
. Hair thinning
2) Complex carbs (Slow digesting and slow release of energy) must be loaded in the morning; Simple Carbs (fast-digesting and instant energy) in the afternoon and evening.
3) Vitamins are very essential. (Sources: Multivitamin tablets, fruits, and vegetables)
4) Don’t eat after 8 PM or after sunset biologically our body’s digestion steeps down therefore Carbs get converted into Fats and it will store.
5) Drink 3 to 4 liters of water per day.
6) Eat varied colorful, nutritionally dense foods.
7) Eliminate liquid calories.
Foods to Include for Weight Loss
.Green leafy vegetables
. Eggs
. Salmon, Tuna
. Cruciferous vegetables
. Lean Beef, Chicken breast
. Beans and legumes
. Soups
. Grapefruit
. Chia seeds
Foods to avoid
. French fries and Potato chips
. Sugary drinks
. White bread
. Cookies and cakes
. Pizza
. Fruit juices
. High-calorie coffee drinks
By getting proper nutrition and understanding how the body works, we get the optimum level of health and it gives you the glow you deserve. Sometimes we just overlooked the secrets of getting the best of us. Being healthy gives you overall functionality.
Dt.Asha Sreejith Dietitian and Nutritionist Ashwvedas Nutri Health For diet consultation contact- 8585840204
Let us see how Pranayama clear our blocked nadis and chakra!
What is prana?
Prana means breath or life force. Ayama means to lengthen or hold on. Hence Pranayama refers to regulate our breath and to provide energy to our channels like chakras and Nadis. Our body is consisting of 5 elements and that create many different energies. Either positive or negative energy it depends upon our activity. Pranayama act as a regulator to increase the positive energy for a healthy life. There are certain rules to follow to do proper breathing exercises. Don’t try without proper guidance.
- Increasing energy flow in our body
- Removes blockages in nadis and chakras
- Reducing negativity and increasing positive vibration in our body
- Controls unwanted mind waves
- Beneficial for sinus problems
- Helps to live the present moment
- Helps to be in good physical and mental health
- Gives clarity in decision making
- Purifying blood vessels, increasing lung capacity, reduces stress.
- Gives a calm mind and happy mood always
Types of Pranayama:
- Nadi Sodhana or Nadi Sudi:
Sodhana means testing your breath. Sit in Padmasana (Lotus Pose) with closed eyes. Press your right nostril with thumb and breathe in through the left nostril and now close the left nostril with middle finger or index finger and hold the breath and now release your breath through the right nostril. Again breathe in through the right and exhale through the left nostril. Repeat it for 10 to 15 minutes every day. If you feel difficult to sit in lotus pose you can also just sit in crossed legs.
- Shithali:
It is helpful to cool down your body so don’t try this if you have a cold. Sit in a position make your mouth in “O” shape and inhale through your mouth and exhale through the nose. 5 minutes of practice helps to reduce body heat.
- Kapalapathi:
Kapalam defines to our skull. It helps to purify the blood vessels into our skull and improves concentration and reduces calories. Sit in a position inhale deeply through the nose and exhale with a force. During exhale, your belly should suck inside with the same force. Repeat it for 5 minutes.
- Ujjayi:
Inhale through the nostril and make some sound like the ocean in your throat and exhale through the mouth with sounds like “haaa”. It helps to heal throat related issues.
- Dirga :
Lying down position is most advisable. We can also call it as “Three-Part Breath” inhale 3 times with pauses tries to fill your empty stomach and full lungs and then exhale slowly. You should feel like your belly raise up during inhale. Repeat 5 – 6 times.
- Bhramri:
Close your ears with the thumb and close your eyes with the index and ring finger. Take a deep breath and exhale with the mantra “AUM”. Repeat 5 minutes daily.
- Seethkari:
It is same as shithali. Bite your teeth and breathe in through your mouth and hold on and feel the “jalandhara bhandam(produce saliva on the tongue)” and exhale through nostrils. Try it for 4-5 minutes when your body temperature is high or during summertime.
- Viloma:
Lying down position – breathe in with step by step with pauses and exhale slowly. You can also do alternate for this just inhale deeply and exhale with pauses.
- Anuloma:
Inhale and exhale in the same nostril and do alternates. It helps to clear nasal passage.
- Bhastrika:
It is very useful during wintertime. It helps to maintain body temperature. Sit in a comfortable position and inhale and exhale fast and do it 10 times and bring back to normal breathing in and slowly exhale to finish.
Note: Try everything under a proper trainer to have health benefits.
Natya mayuri. Smt. Vidyalakshmi Vidyanath
How Yoga Mudras & Bharatanatyam activate the body circuits!!!
Hand gestures are in practice by all of us during the time of communication. Usage of finger to switch on or switch off is also a Mudra called “Soochi” in classical dance. In dance, we use hand gestures to communicate lyrics & stories with the audience. Likewise, hand gestures are very helpful in sign language as well. We do witness this in our temple idols.
Yoga Mudra:
The mudras used in Yoga are to activate the body circuits. Touching the finger one another one in different ways helps to flow equal energy levels in our body. Yoga Mudra states that our fingers represent “Pancha Bhoothas”( 5 elements- Air, Water, Land, Sky, and Fire). Touching each with the thumb finger create different energy flow in our body.
Types of Yoga Mudra:
- Gyana Mudra
- Surya Mudra
- Varuna Mudra
- Prana Mudra
- Vayu Mudra
- Prithvi Mudra
- Apana Mudra
- Linga Mudra
- Shunya Mudra
Bharatanatyam Mudra
According to Natya Sastra, there are two types of hasta mudras. Hasta refers to hand. Mudras are referred to as hand gestures.
- Asamyutha hastas – One hand Mudras
- Samyutha hastas – Two hand Mudras
Samyutha means union and Asamyutha means separate one. There are 28 Mudras in one hand and 22 mudras in two hand gestures. We can see this reference in the book called Natya Sastra written by Bharatha Muni.
Similarity Mudras in Yoga and Dance
Gyana Mudra – Hamsasyam
Touching the thumb and index finger is called gyana mudra. This Mudra is the power of knowledge. It helps to improve concentration power, sharpens the brain, and reduces stress and anxiety. The same Mudra used in Bharatanatyam called hamsas(Sanskrit). There are so many meanings for this Mudra in dance according to the lyrics.
Note: Vayu Mudra is also similar to gyana Mudra. Actually, for gyana Mudra touches the tip of index finger the for Vayu Mudra fold the whole index finger and hold by the thumb. Vayu Mudra helps to stimulate air element in our body and helps to release excess air (gas) from the body. So it helps to prevent chest pain. Don’t do it in an empty stomach and also stop practicing this Mudra after your problem cured.
Surya Mudra – Mayuram
It increases fire elements in the body so obviously it helps to maintain our body weight and temperature. It can also help to cure cold and digestive problems. Touch the index and thumb for this Mudra. Here Mayurakyo(Sanskrit) used to show peacock in dance.
Note: Prithvi and Agni Mudras are also similar to Surya Mudra but the touch tip of the index finger is Prithvi. Bend and hold the whole index finger is Agni Mudra.
Varuna Mudra – Trisulam
It helps to balance water elements in the body and also reduces skin dryness. In dance, we call it as Trisulakaha(Sanskrit).
Prana Mudra – Katharimukam
Prana Mudra(touch little and ring finger together with the thumb) is very essential as it improves energy in the body. It is a symbol of life and it can help to improve eyesight, immunity, vitamins, and strengthening internal organs and reduces tiredness. Katharimukaha(Sanskrit) is used to show creeper, separation, lighting, etc.
Apana Mudra – Simhamukam
Touching the middle and ring finger together with the thumb is Apana Mudra. It helps with constipation, piles, kidney problems, and diabetes. Simha means lion. Simhamukaha(Sanskrit) means the lion’s head in dance.
Linga Mudra:
It produces heat to the body so it can be a cause to reduce cold during winter. Join the entire ten fingers together and open one thumb alone to do this Mudra.
Shunya Mudra:
Touching the middle finger with the thumb is Shunya Mudra. It helps to cure ear problems. Those who are deaf in between not from the birth can also practice this Mudra daily an hour to improve their hearing capacity. And stop using it once cured.
Note: there is no reference for Linga Mudra and Shunya Mudra in dance.
Yoga for life and Dance is life!!!
Vidyalakshmi Vidyanath
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